Weight Management Programme - One Day CPD Workshop

Gain the Confidence and Skills to Guide Clients to Sustainable Weight Loss

Weight Management Programme

Date: 30th April 2025

A step-by-step guide to our successful Weight Management Programme – Live via Zoom

Also available to purchase in three pre-recorded modules – £125.00 – Buy Here.

10am – 3.00pm

Discounted Rate for members of the GHR, NCH and BIH:  £150  (standard price £170)

If you have any questions, please call Margaret on 07960 788093 or email: info@goldleaftraining.com

Now also available to buy in 3 pre-recorded modules at a cost of £125.00 to learn at your own pace. Click here for more details.

Helping your clients to successfully achieve their weight loss goals.

Hypnotherapy is great to help people reduce their weight but it’s not all down to Hypnotherapy.  I have found over years of specialising in weight management that it’s also important to coach the client, giving them the knowledge and the motivation they need in order to change their relationship with food.

Most clients I see say they know what they should and shouldn’t be eating but they lack the willpower to do anything about it.  My five week motivational weight management programme is designed to offer coaching and motivational support combined with hypnosis and nutritional help.  It will not only help you to help your client to reduce their weight, but it will also give you, the therapist the confidence to stimulate and motivate your client to reach their goal weight and size.

This Weight Management Programme has been successfully running for many years and most of my work comes from recommendations from satisfied clients.  This workshop offers you the opportunity to learn this unique 5-week programme which you can start using with your clients immediately.

On the Workshop you will learn:                            

  • Weight Management Programme Step by Step guide

  • How to coach your clients to lose weight and then keep it off

  • All scripts, forms and homework tasks to keep the client motivated

  • Information packs for your clients that will educate, inspire and motivate them

  • How to encourage your clients to have a healthy relationship with food and exercise

  • Techniques to reduce food cravings and stop emotional eating

  • Help clients to have a better self-image and more confidence

  • Advice on Healthy eating and nutrition

  • How to identify and deal with blockages – creating solutions that work

Tutor and author of this 5-week Weight Management Programme:  Margaret Turner, Clinical Hypnotherapist who has specialised in weight management since 2006.

The cost of the workshop includes handouts, all scripts and forms, power point presentation, certificate of attendance plus ongoing support by phone or email.


Excellent course content.  I look forward to putting it into practice P.S

This was an incredibly useful course and a very friendly and welcoming environment. E.B.

Always friendly and informative – great value for money.  A delight to participate in J.L.

This is by far the most welcoming course I have been on.  Your venue and the hosts are so welcoming, and comforting.  Your eagerness to share information has been so beneficial to me.,  Thank you so much. S.M.C.

I really found it useful and liked the structure to be able to use with clients. S.T.

Superb once again – you should think about teaching a Hypnotherapy diploma! A.M.

Very informative and useful for me just setting up.  Both of you very helpful as usual. S.B.

Thoroughly enjoyed it – will definitely do some more courses with you.  Lovely relaxed way to learn. N.C.

Margaret’s an excellent trainer (as well as being warm) I learnt such a lot ES

I really enjoyed the workshop it has inspired and motivated me and given me  confidence. DB

I am very, very happy with this CPD, I thoroughly enjoyed it and I’m very impressed with the amount of material I can take home with me.  Very helpful and friendly.  Thank you very much  CF

As always Margaret and Clem’s workshops more than meet expectations.  Always made to feel very welcome – thank you  CP